
Costume Process

15x20All of our costumes are designed with your budget in mind. We aim to provide quality costumes at the lowest possible price. We are renown for low cost, hassle free costuming that is stunning! We tend to use professional costume companies, which means your costumes come completely finished (no sequinning, yay!) If we are doing a ‘Talent Co. Original’ we design and make a sample costume and then put it on display, for your viewing and approval. We then put out costings and accounts to inform parents of fabric kit costs. Parents then have the option to use one of our in-house dressmakers (which is a further fee paid directly to them) or to make it yourself.

If you are making it yourself, it is your responsibility to organise to trace the pattern with pattern paper, or you will be charged for the pattern. The dressmaker must be paid in full before you can collect your costume. Please let us know if you will require the dressmaker to make your costumes. (Note that all costumes are subject to copyright laws and may not be used for any other purpose other than at approved Talent Co. events.)

Costume Fund

wildflowersWe operate a non-profit voluntary fund to help families eliviate costume costs. It is recommended that you contribute $2.00 per class,per week into costume fund. This is to ensure that come time to purchase fabric kits – our dressmaker is not restricted with their time in collecting funds from people.

It is also sensible from time to time to put extra money into your fund as the average costume cost (not including dressmaking) is $40.00 and each jazz class requires 1 – 2 per year (we do try to hire, store purchase and use old costumes so you usually only require one). (Option classes only require 1 costume). This is a voluntary service provided for convenience of our students, we do not like to see students miss out because of costume costs, and with most costumes required for concert, this falls around Christmas, which is a hard time financially for most families. If your child leaves the school for any reason all monies banked into costume fund are fully refunded.